Home Events - System 1357® Overcome Objections Using FAB


May 20 2024


5:00 pm - 7:00 pm



Overcome Objections Using FAB

Do you want to close more sales or make more money? Then this is for you!

In this sales masterclass, you will learn the secret of conversations that avoid objections, and to do this we will use the FAB system.

Feature – Advantage – Benefit.

FAB is the “So What” system from the book MAKE MORE Do Less and SELL MORE MAKE MORE, and it’s one of the 19 systems from these books, you will love it.

FAB is easy to master meaning that you eliminate many common objections before they become an issue.

And nothing to pay now, you will be invoiced later or pay on the day.

See you there.



More details here 👇👇👇

Learning Objective:

By the end of this lesson, participants will be able to effectively utilise the Features – Advantages – Benefits (FAB) system in sales to answer the “So what?” question, understand the importance of addressing WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?) in sales conversations, and confidently navigate discussions about competitors.

Lesson Introduction:

Welcome to today’s lesson on mastering the art of selling by answering the fundamental question in sales: “So what?” In this session, we will delve into the Features – Advantages – Benefits (FAB) system and conversation, understanding its significance in addressing customer needs and desires. Additionally, we will explore the concept of WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?) and learn how to effectively manage discussions about competitors.

Comprehensive Key Learning Areas:

1. Understanding the Features – Advantages – Benefits (FAB) system and its role in sales.

2. Differentiating between features, advantages, and benefits.

3. Applying FAB to enhance product/service presentations and address customer needs.

4. Recognising the importance of WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?) in sales conversations.

5. Learning strategies to navigate discussions about competitors without engaging in negative comparisons.

Lesson Follow-through (Conclusion):

In conclusion, mastering the FAB system empowers sales professionals to effectively communicate the value of their products or services by addressing the fundamental question of “So what?” By understanding the advantages and benefits of features, participants can tailor their presentations to meet the specific needs and desires of customers, ultimately increasing their sales success rate. Additionally, remembering to always focus on WIIFM ensures that sales conversations remain customer-centric, fostering stronger connections and trust. Finally, by refraining from discussing competitors and instead highlighting the unique value propositions of their offerings, sales professionals can effectively steer conversations towards closing deals. Take the knowledge gained from this lesson and apply it to your sales strategies, confidently answering the “So what?” question and driving success in your sales endeavours.


Success Hub Sawtell
16/69 First Ave, Sawtell, NSW Australia

The event is finished.


Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: May 20 2024
  • Time: 3:00 am - 5:00 am
